MAGA Patriots, I am begging you all to sign my second petition to the White House.
I have just posted some more stories to encourage you all by upping the shock factor and stretching your gullibility even further. Can you handle it?
Read all about how my first parents (my real ones - as opposed to my two sets - so far - of
faux parents),
- in between bouts of engaging in cannibalism, human blood drinking, and necrophilia, - were also raping, beating and kicking me to a battered mess...
Strangled me, poured boiling water over me, and burned my back with a hot iron!!!
You may find it
strange to believe that in spite of these multiple literal tortures over many years, I have not a single scar on my fabulous, amazing, and so very
popular personage! But believe you must, as all my dear fans believe.
My new third Mommy, Wendy McAvene, and come to think of it, my second Mommy, Catherine Moncada, never thought to ask for this kind of physical evidence, before they took me into their homes and fed, clothed and housed me.
You may find it
amazing that I attended schools in Hull, UK and nobody noticed the shape I was in.
Strangling causes livid marks, and hemorrhaging eyeballs. Boiling water causes blisters, and serious burns become life threatening infections, yet I am still here! Am I super human? Yes, I like to think so.
I told you all how my real parents, after subjecting me to these
life threatening medical events on many occasions, merely locked me up in our attic with a dog's bowl of water till I felt better.
Then they sent me back to school, where my weeks of absence, my weeks of being starved while recovering with no medical attention, from third degree burns and all the rest, was not even noticed, and life proceeded as usual. I mean, I looked and acted
normal.! I can't imagine why! I guess this was in the bad old days before I stared really
I told you how my real parents in Hull, made multiple attempts on my life. How they marked their calendar to finally murder me for real on my 18th birthday. I told Catherine this too and she sent me that plane ticket really fast, bless her. I made it out of the UK in April 2015,
just in time to stay alive!!!! so I say.
In this video I confront my real Mommy about it.
How was she so good at murdering "thousands" yet not me.?..
Later on I got to thinking. It started to play on my mind, how nobody at my schools had ever raised alarms or called in the authorities, as you might expect when children turn up back to school, after weeks of unexplained absence, with no notes from the Drs, (I never saw any Drs, as Satanic raping, torturing pedophiles don't like their victims to undergo medical examinations for obvious reasons).
I decided my teachers had been mean and negligent in not giving a brutally tortured and traumatized child any undue attention, so eventually I decided to "disclose" these events to a teacher I particularly liked, and then it all changed for the better for me.
I got some
attention finally. Now days on social media I get even more
I love it more than life itself. Even the trolls, I love taking them on.
attention is still
attention, right? LOL
Pizzagate was a real breakthrough moment for me, in terms of my willing followers and donations. The begging coffers started to fill up then. Tax free wheeeeee!
I got all over those Pizzagate forums like
Voat, and started spinning yarns for dear life, among MAGA friends at last!! Such generous Patriots one and all.
Pizzagate was truly God's blessing to me. I guess he has not been so generous to Catherine Moncada. Why are my fans not donating to her? They was happy to retweet all her and my stuff on Twitter when we was a badass doxxing team . Now they have followed me to Pottsboro, Tx, and left her in the dust as I have. Sad!
Back to my gruelling life story....The teacher I chose to tell, did her job. The authorities was quick to act, and in no time I was placed into the care of the UK Child Protection who care for abused children. I entered a children's home.
The Police was also involved and I told them my stories. They investigated and asked to see the scars on my body from all the
years and years of pack rape, torture, the third degree burning with Irons and kettles of boiling water, etc. Well, not the police, but the Dr who worked for them.
I got social workers too. They all wrote a lot of things in a big file on me and had me psyciatrically assessed. I was even sent to a mental health place for a while, and the nasty people working there who was trained,
told me I was a liar.
All my social workers told me my allegations did not stack up when examined for evidence. Meanies! I'm showing them all, now, aren't I?
The Police also, they did not make the arrests I demanded, and charge the evil Satanic Pedo cult members with
all the murders I witnessed (
thousands by my real parents alone! ). Meanies!
Why? well they could not find the thousands of human child remains in Hull, or anywhere else, to indicate that
thousands of children I had seen murdered actually had been real.! Had thousands of children gone missing in Hull and surrounds? Um, no.
No forensics from all the hundreds of litres of blood that I had seen sacrificially shed, in any of the sites I told them about! Not a drop, not a hair! No DNA! No evidence at all in the
Woods of Horror where I was chased and raped for whole days and nights! along with countless other children! All those gruesomely murdered children I had seen hanging from the trees in that place! Not a speck of forensics anywhere!
The remains of my baby sister Lily? I buried her body parts myself -
see my video about it on YouTube HERE - and I even dug the hole myself, in a field next to the
Woods of Horror.
However I was unable to convince the Police that this had
really happened. Any of it! Can you
imagine why? I can't. So they never pressed charges against any of the Satanic murderers I knew. Meanies!
Now don't be preaching to me about the
ethics - HAHA ! - of making "false allegations" against real people I have repeatedly named and doxxed, including photos, and their workplaces...
...Allegations of
Torture, Gang Rape, Mass Murder, Cannibalism! Blood drinking from Children, Necrophilia! Dismemberment, Satanic human sacrifice, forced abortions, forced miscarriages through beatings - as I was pregnant 3 times - and did I mention Mass Murder? ...yes I think I did - to multiple overstretched authorities, professionals, and
thousands of social media followers, and sending them all off on wild goose chases.
Last time I checked I was repeating and embellishing these allegations on social media
this very month, April 2018.
Ethics don't matter to me. I am a f***king Law unto Myself - and don't you forget it, fans!
Or ... I might just have some interesting Tall Tales to tell on YOU, next!
YOU might become the next
victim of my wild, absurd, and always unverifiable claims.
Be warned! Fall in behind with my narrative or look out!
Look at my history of doxxing and other revenge. (See my previous blog posts for the juicy details.)
Another question my smarter fans have asked me, that needs to be put to bed
right now.
"Becki, can you explain this? You say you was trafficked to strangers for years for sex, sold like a commodity by those who was your own family. So you say.
Trust was broken.
Then...Trust in all the various the Authorities who called you a False Allegation Maker.
Trust destroyed again.
How did you have the nerve to fly across the world, to go and live with a total stranger and family, in a foreign country, where you knew literally nobody else, and had no legitimate right to remain, and no support systems? No money of your own? Not even a gun to protect you?
"How did you know you was not being "groomed" online, to get onto a plane the stranger you met on a blog, had paid for, and that you was not going to find yourself in a California illegal brothel full of other hapless "immigrants", being sex trafficked yet again?
"You say the UK social services was horrified when you told them your plan, and that they really tried to convince you not to do this risky and potentially very dangerous thing?
Yet this all just made you all the more determined to fly off and be met at LAX
by a stranger.
"Women have often been use to lure young victims in this way, as they gain trust more easily. Did it never occur to you that this could have been a trap? Your UK social workers thought it was a bad move.
"And then, when
it eventually all went pear shaped at Casa Moncada, you happily went off to another state, Texas, to again enter the home of strangers. Why did you trust two lots of strangers in a strange land, when most people who had undergone what you claim to have undergone, would never trust anyone, ever again.?"
My answer to them, and to other sticky beak questions?
How un-
Christian of you! How un-
Patriotic of you!
I am here, in your country having been detained 14 months for
lying to ICE,
perjuring myself in your Courts, wearing an ankle bracelet to stop me going dark and becoming 100 percent illegal, on a $40,000 bail bond, cos
I'm not Trusted...... and I am telling you that I am all about making your country GREAT AGAIN.
You should all be kissing my ass that I am here at all, gracing your shores with my presence!
Suck it up, buttercups.
Stop thinking critically, sign my petition, and ... Donate Donate Donate!
grateful to be fleeced by such a cute Widdle Girl as me, and then GTFOH.
Oh, and