Saturday 14 April 2018

My Latest Famiwy Wuvs Pwincess Becki

Mommy #3 and me have been witing letters to the Pwesident

My new mommy and Daddy in Famiwy #3, the McAvenes from Pottsboro Texas, are as determined  as me, that I remain in the United States, and they are telling everyone to sign my petition to the White House to let me stay here to save my life.
Fwom those evil Satanists that was always going to kill me, and twied so many times, but never succeeded - yet.

They have been tweeting about it a lot, but not as much as I have.
As you can see, Daddy Won has no qualms about wepeating and wepublishing my Allegations.
What a Champion!

I pway evewy night to Jesus, that Daddy Won  never, ever hires a PI to do a background check on me.
I am his Pwincess.
I would  hate ever so much to let him down, cos if he was to find out about my past I don't know what would happen next.
He is a vewy clever Businessman, and he would never let anyone take him for a Wide, not even a Pwincess like me.

I have asked Pwesident Twump to invite me to the White House - see it's on my letter above that me and Mommy Wendy are witing.

I want to  thank him in person  for Dwaining the Swamp, and for Making Amewica  Gweat  Again,
and to remind him that he could not do either of those things without my help.

I am a Voice for the Childwen, as I like to say, often. Especially the Pizzagate Childwen.

I have forgotten all about my weal family back in Hull, except when I am telling more and more pork pies (a Brit expwession), about them on Facebook and Twitter to thousands of people, and bots. Like this:

Back in the UK I was accused of being a Dwama Qween by my Social and Mental Health workers.
I have not kicked the habit, and do not intend to, as it serves me so well to this day, as you can see :

I only need another 98,000 signatures on my Petition to the White House in the next two weeks.
I wonder if the Pwesident will wead it himself.? I don't think he is much of a weader.

I hope he gets one of his assistants to wead him mommy Wendy's and my letters to him and then to send me that Invitation  I have asked him for. I alweady have my RSVP weady and waiting.
We have asked him to watch my videos so I think that will definitely persuade him.

We have asked a few other Patwiots to send the Pwesident  letters about me as well, and they have been doing it. I still pinch myself when  I wealise  how easy it is to get Patwiots to do things I tell them to do. It  must be because I ask them so nicely. Or maybe Jesus is telling them.