Catherine, just STOP! |
Jesus help me!
As if I don't have enough to worry about. A little bird tells me that Mommy #2 is going after me on social media. She has me blocked so I am not sure what all the "dirt" is but none of it will be true.
It is not true that I have eating disorders and that I kept fainting from starvation and having to be taken to the ER.
It is not true that I like to sleep with women. I need to sleep with women, and that is the difference.
To heal my deep trauma and PTSD .
Did I sleep with Catherine Mommy # 2? Yes.
Do I sleep with Wendy, Mommy # 3? Yes.
This will be easier from now on, as Wendy and I are moving house together. Ron who ?????
Does this make me a lesbian? NO.
Does my sexual predation in order to manipulate people, including married women, indicate that I am a text book psychopath? NO
Did I make a fake FaceBook account and spin Catherine some more tall tales?
Would I do a thing like that?
Tell her "I" was an old friend from England, that her bio parents had kidnapped and held hostage?
Tell her "I" had seen the porno and snuff films Becki spoke of starring in? 18 years of them?
Tell her "I" had been forced by my kidnappers to watch the films 24/7?
Tell her that Becki, had a baby at age 11 and it was put in a blender, liquified and drank?
Tell her she should leave Casa Moncada and family to be with Becki?
Tell her "I" had already reported "my" "kidnapping" to Hull police, so she wouldn't do this ?
Well, to put this another way; did Catherine Moncada report the "kidnapping" by two "multi-murderous Satanists and Traffickers" whose identities and "deeds" were well known to her, to the Hull police or any other Law Enforcement?
Another trade secret fans. Listen up. What I have learned in my grifting career is that the SRA fans feign belief in the sickest of tall tales, but when push comes to shove they never report to LE, because they don't want to look "like a mad person" LOL
Kids may be at risk but Hey! big deal!
My fans and enablers know I never reported jack shite, and they would not be seen dead making a Police report of such nonsense either. 'Cos under their faux outrage they know it's all just a big LARP.
They - like Mommies #2 and #3 prefer to repeat, circulate, and spread the sicko stories about random strangers, far and wide, but report to LE? Never. HA HA HA
So I knew I was completely safe in that little Facebook fairytale scheme.
The fake Facebook is gone now. Catherine wanted to speak to "her" / "them" on the phone from "England" Not. Happening. DUH.
The lesbian stories may have come from the fake FaceBook account. I seem to recall some salacious details being spun for her titillation. (no pun intended )
If there is another thing I know about my demographic, it's that my SRA fan club can never get enough salacious details about sex with children. Or just sex.
I also thought it might help to make Mommy #2 jealous by playing her off against Mommy#3, and vice versa! I thought this might help manipulate her into doing what I asked.
But I never thought she would talk about it and that it would get around. She is taking me down.
It looks really bad for my faux Christian image and I need folks to trust me! And how the **** can I get my Patriot husband as per my Plan B, in case my Asylum case is denied.?
Let's be real here fans, a fine Christian Patriot man does not want a lesbian wife.
I have some serious damage control to do now, thanks to her. Grrrrrrr!