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Becki Percy seeks partner in crime |
Grifter Becki Percy Seeking Patsy Patriot faux 'Husband'.
Hi Guys! I've had my thinking cap on this week, and so have Mommy Wendy and Daddy Ron.
As my claim for Asylum in the US is completely frivolous, and based on a pack of Tall Tales and Libelous Lies, we have had to think about Plan B, to try and defeat the Ninth Circuit's inevitable denial of my case and my subsequent deportation back to Hull.
Everyone there probably hates me by now, for my relentless efforts in making Hull the Satanic Slavery Centre of the UK.
The Mass Murder Mecca, the number one Rape Resort and Torture Terminus, the Cannibal Cove, the Degenerate Destination for all Necros, Pedos, and Baby-Blood Dipsos!
The clock is ticking! Only 52 percent of Asylum cases are granted in the USA, and seen as the judges I perjured myself in front already, denied me status - and one of them even laughed at me! - Mommy, Daddy and me are looking for another way.
.... We are trying hard to game the US Immigration System, - like any good Patriots would!
Enter Plan B - find me a sweet innocent patriot christian FAUX husband who is mad and masochistic enough to marry a lying, fabricating, perjuring, scamming, narcissistic little witch like me, and then have to face multiple grillings by the Govt Authorities, about why he was so willing to do so. Solved!
All the while hoping that he don't mess up and have me turn on him one day with allegations against him of raping our babies, trafficking them, and so on, all in keeping with my well worn modus operandi.
He will know how easy it is for me to get dumb folks to believe me - and most of our crowd are dumb as fuck. I can always hold this threat over him and have complete control in our marriage, so any guy will see me as a Prize Catch, right?
As I claim to have been pregnant 3 times already, he will know my parts is all in good working order.
I hope he is cool with scars as obviously I have an enormous number of those on my body, from all the burns and torture I have documented in previous versions of my tragic life.
If he don't see any scars then he might get suspicious of my backstory.
I don't care, he's gonna be a dumb fuck who won't ask questions if he wants me to put out.
We all at Casa McAvene think this is bound to work out, and in line with Mommy and Daddy's suggestions, I have as usual put the HUSBAND call out via my 20k followers on social media.
Most of my followers are really dumb fucks too, the kind who already have given me $$ for my bullshite, so it should not be too hard to find the right Patsy patriot to marry me.
I get so many offers from the sad lonely Pizzagate fixated closeted pedo guys out there as it is, that I expect to be able to pick and chose from among any willing candidates.
We are also checking all the single guys out in our local church in Pottsboro.
I have now started dropping unsubtle hints online about me studying the bible about holy marriages, and how I am pretending I will be a 'submissive wife' when I am the arch Manipulator and will call all the shots.
If he don't play ball he will suddenly wake up one morning to find himself the latest victim of my fake ass allegations and be shunned by all our dumb friends and families.
So yes, he will play by the Becki Rules. DUH!
Easy peasy, and we will entice him with a free house for us or something like that - as Daddy Ron loves paying for things for his widdle pwincess. Daddy Ron will give him a job too, or whatever it takes, if we think he's a good fall guy and can lie to authorities more convincingly that I can.
I am going to have to coach this husband of mine in lying and perjuring documents, but I have a lot of practice so it should be a breeze. If he has misgivings about lying and breaking the law we will all tell him it's OK as all part of God's plan to keep me in the US to MAGA.
I hope we can find him really really soon, and get this done, as we have a few obstacles to navigate through.
"It is important to note that you must be prepared to answer the immigration officer’s questions on why you decided to marry a United States citizen while your asylum application is pending.
"You must be able to prove that your marriage to your United States citizen spouse is valid and in good faith.
"USCIS will need to make sure that your previous asylum application was not frivolous (containing untrue or fabricated statements). (OOOOPS!)
"Government entities are also likely to look into your background and evaluate your asylum application more closely.
"If there are any inconsistencies between your asylum case and marriage-based case,
you can be investigated for fraud or misrepresentation in either your asylum application, or marriage-based petition, or both." (OOOOPS!)
"these marriages are probably held to a higher standard that the immigration officers are gonna want to look at it more closely.
Now, one other thing besides making sure that there’s not fraud and that it is a valid marriage, I think there also is a good chance that they’re gonna go back and look at the asylum application.
The immigration officer’s gonna make sure that it wasn’t a frivolous * asylum application.
That would probably involve sort of a bare bones analysis as to whether or not there was a valid claim for asylum."
*frivolous = containing untrue or fabricated statements. (OOOOPS!)
Well who bloody cares? we will cross that bridge when we come to it - as man and wife.
If he loves me - or thinks he does - then he will lie for me, perjure docs, lie in tough interviews with Officers of the Govt - like any good Patriot would.!
God bless you All, my brothers and sisters in God - pray for our new plan B.