Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Remember When - Part 2

"I can say with complete certainty that Becki Percy is the credible, articulate, media-genic, informed "First Hand Knowledgeable" spokesperson for Pizzagate that everyone has been waiting for. Disseminate her videos everywhere and to everyone that you know. Friends, relatives, media, law enforcement, and most especially Christian activists in the USA. Don't just sit there and VOAT. I mean go out and do it. Make Becki Percy and Pizzagate household words."

"Becki's story is really extraordinary ... She's supported by a large and growing group of followers, who will not let her down."

"How anyone could watch her testify vids and still be a non believer boggles the mind. Also, she tweeted me. I can't imagine her strength and resilience. I'm in tears even typing this."

"I felt an extremely positive vibe while watching this video. The energy emanating from her is exactly the kind of energy that I think is needed in our community to pursue the PG investigation."

"She's doing exceptionally well mentally, cognitively and emotionally...
She knows what she needs and will seek resources as able in her comfort zone. 
She clearly has done mass major self work ...She is way more grounded stable, adaptable, self regulating, positive thoughts and stable emotions"

"she told me she was crying with happiness when she saw the original post whose quote @breakdown99 critizised  "There is no direct evidence in Becki's videos, as far as I can tell, but I think in a way she's a poster child for Pizzagate." "

"Wow I can't believe you made it this far! You are an amazing young woman and I see God working in your life so much. "

"Becki is the sweetest girl , and she is very kind and compassionate "

"Yes. a true hero in this. love her strong voice."

"Becki is amazing. Love her."

"You're a strong and beautiful soul Becki. We love you"