Monday 2 April 2018

Oh No!

Someone has done a  weally weally meany thing to me.

After I tweeted and shared my second petition to the WhiteHouse to let me pwease pwease pwease stay in the USA, and all my fans climbed on board to sign, one of them sent me a sad email  saying they was accidentally twicked into signing THIS ONE.

I apologized  as I felt so bad for  him and we are such good fwiends. His name is Howie Caplan  aka "Pizzagate Howie" and he had just had another big "moment" in the spotlight yelling out some stuff at Joe Biden at a function, that Joe was a know.

Howie loves to appear shirtless in public at any opportunity, and calls everyone "Bro" but, let's not think on that too much.  He's cool with me and I know that matters to him - a lot.

And after that Howie was so excited he couldn't sleep, this is why he didn't wead the petition pwoperly and signed the wong one.  As Howie wead my speech at the last survivors wally I won't hold it against him.
Our next wally, which I advertised for April, has been canned which is such a welief to me, as I was twying to think up a weason I couldn't go - again.
Howie is like me and loves attention. but as he is a middle aged man he is not really competition for me, so I don't mind him at all. Sometimes his yelling out stuff in public gets him into trouble. Here is is after he got the bash from the "Bros"  at an event last year.

My buddy Howie  got the bash from the Bros - and loved it.
It would be too awful if some of the people I accused, or some of the doubters came to the Wallys  and confwonted me. Or someone fwom my past in the UK. I was weally scared that my biological  pawents might even show up, or Interpol, or ICE, or someone like that. I don't have to worry any more about that, we said we was not able to get a Wally permit, and everyone moved on.

 Sorry to all the lonely men who was hoping to get to meet me in person and charm me, or date me, or get my phone number. Twust me, I know how disappointing this is for you all.

Here's a picture of Howie, post-bash and sans shirt, to make up for your disappointment.

For the sad lonely men - Howie wants to show you his bare torso -  and his injuries.

I  weally hope and pway to Jesus that ICE don't see this  damn petition and look up my file, as I am due to appear before the ninth circuit Court one of these days, to re-Appeal my pweviously denied Appeal, to let me stay in the USA.
I would hate ever so much for them to dig deeper into my histowy on the internet. And the lawyers working on my behalf... omg I am having weally bad nightmares and panic attacks just thinking about it all.

Patriots are So, so easy to fleece and scam, but educated officials? I might be pushing my luck with that, or so I am told.
(When anyone is mean enough to tell me home twuths I block them)

I wish I could block the voices in my head.

Wemember how I told you all  in a video I made about how a weally meany lady judge LAUGHED at me in the Court? I was standing there shaking and cwying and my carefully applied mascara was dwibbling, and I was telling her all about the Satanists, and how they tried to murder me so so so many times,  and she laughed in my face. Then she denied my Appeal.

All I can say is if that same judge was to sign this petition, it will be showing twue cowuption, and  then we will  all know for sure she is part of the Satanist Cult. Which I suspected all along.
(I almost hope she does sign it. Then my lawyers can have a field day.)

I'd also love to give a big shout-out to Hoaxtead Research,

I know I have made the gwade now, along with my favouwite  mentors, Cathy O, Fiona B and Ella D.
We are the OG of SRA and don't you forget it!

Sorry Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, I beat you to it.
But we can still  be  besties -  for now.  Everyone! follow SRA here!

Me and my other bestie, Liz Cwokin  are going to have a big  "girls night out" soon and share war stories.
Sarah please don't be jealous and please do join us. We can all share in the adulation equally, as fans stop to take photos with us and upload them to all the social media sites that matter. Evewyone  wecognizes  Liz, and I was wecognized too once, at a Walmart in California. I was so happy that day I cwied!

Just wemember the new pecking order, Sarah, there's a good girl.