Saturday, 7 July 2018


Well my dear fans, here I am at last.
I am so sorry to have deprived you of my magical  company here for so long.

I have had a bad week, but I made a cute video showing off my impressively hirsute eyebrow development.
I warned you all  in the video about listening to Satanists.
They can't be trusted, Patriots. Turn away now! Stop up your ears!

They are not only Mass Murderers and Child Rapists but worst of all, they are really
really mean to me on social media, in case you haven't noticed.

Princess Becki, or "Precious" to Mommy #3, is the only one with the right to be really
mean on social media, so I am not a happy widdle girl about now.

Anyway there are a few problems at Casa McAvene, and some of them is being caused by Mommy
#2 Catherine Moncada, who has continued being mean to me too.

She used to call me Beck, a dear friend and I used to call her Mom.
I still remember how it was before she flew me out here to the States to my new life.

I was in Hull and quite bored, just mooching about all day. I had dropped out of my
college course. My social workers at my Children's Care Home where I lived for 5 years
didn't think I should still be under their care at age 18 and so they was trying to shove
me out to fend for myself as an adult. I didn't want to grow up and be self sufficient, so
I resisted their efforts with all my might.

Then I met Catherine Moncada online, we got chatting, and I told her some tall tales.
Soon I started to think of her in terms of a Life-raft. But I kept that thought to myself.
I just told her over and over about the perfect family I had always dreamed of, and how
nice it would be to have a real Mum, that kind of thing. I guess Catherine was happy to
think of herself that way.

So after a very short time, Catherine and me would get online and chat  - literally
 ALL  DAY  from the minute I woke up until the minute I went to bed. 

I was weaving my spell and it worked. I played her like a fiddle! It made me feel so
special, to have a middle-age woman on the far side of the world, wanting to talk to me for hours and hours every single day. She told me she had to do this to keep me safe, and I played along.

Even if I went to the shops or out on an errand, we kept on chatting via God's blessed gift the internet,
non-stop. Just imagine! So many words of endearment passed between us during those long
days and she would even pray over me.
We was also planning my Great Escape, of course.  That was Life-raft was being primed.

Fast forward. Now it has all gone sour between us. A far cry from the days we spoke non stop from morning til night. Instead of Beck she calls me Rebecca, like she is scolding me, which she usually is.

She tells all my beloved fans that I lied, mocked her, and endangered her family.
That nothing she did for me was ever good enough, and a lot of other not very nice things.

But I was smart and when I still lived at hers and our honeymoon was looking to be over, I was building a NEW Life-raft, called Wendy and Ron!

The Good Ship McAvene! 

"Where we go one, we go all!"  (That's a Q thing, for the un-cool among you)

So then I jumped ship, landed in the new improved Life-raft, and went, far away, yet again.
Bye Catherine!

I like Texas better than Cali, because there are way more MAGAs here and Cali is too
Librul for my liking. I felt right at home here in no time, in my pretty Trump Girl pink hat.

But lately I am getting all chewed out on line and the house of cards I have constructed with the
help of my newest famiwy is being undermined from all quarters.

It started on Twitter with the Hollywood producers of  'An Open Secret' documentary  movie
telling their many followers they could not endorse me as I had asked them to a while back.
Things got heated and lots of folks weighed in. I am really trying to block it all out.

Hollywood Not Calling

There was a lot more besides.

Next thing up pops pesky old Mommy #2 Catherine yet again. Grrrr.  On my feed having another go, at me and Mommy #3.

Saying all these mean things like:

"@TrinityBeliever Wendy, could you and Rebecca please block my Twitter account. Thank you."

"@TrinityBeliever could you and Rebecca please block my Twitter account? From all Twitter  accounts.  Ron? Etc. Thank you"

"Dear @becki_p20 and @TrinityBeliever I ask for you to block my Twitter account for my 
privacy. Me blocking yours doesn’t leave me out of the conversation. Thank you."

"Dear @becki_p20 and @TrinityBeliever it would seem you don’t understand my family has been through enough. We are STILL trying to recover from multiple traumas. You know them. Not the least was Rebecca’s friend being kidnapped and assaulted. That was very upsetting"

"@becki_p20 will you and Wendy please block my Twitter account from yours? It was by 
'coincidence’ I saw your live periscope. So if you two could, please block my Twitter 
account from any of your accounts? Thank you. "


"Catherine I'm sorry but you do not have that control. You can feel free to block me + 
anyone else you feel you need to. However you cannot tell me who to block. I don't have 
anything against you. Nor do I want to block you from my life. I want want God wants. this 
is not fruitful "

"Dear @becki_p20 and @TrinityBeliever I have control over my life to the extent, I can and 
I will call the immigration officer Rebecca had the meeting with and very carefully 
explain to him how Rebecca and her new sponsor have gross boundary issues endangering my family on SM."

(OMG did she just threaten me with my worst nightmare ICE? Yes I think she actually did.)

and on she went:

"@TrinityBeliever  you are half way there. I’m not playing this psycho, no boundaries game. 
I said BOTH. PLEASE. IF YOU ARE NOT A FIT SPONSOR, ICE officer will need to know that too."

(OMG ICE again! Anxiety attack coming on strong.)

Fans, it went on and on for days:

"Ohhhhh so you can answer this on social media but not my other request. Interesting. "

"Interesting choice. And trust me. I’m not using social media to solve my problems."

So then I had a discussion with Jon Robberson for about an hour where I talked in detail
about how all of this affects me. It is just not healthy for me to see hate on my feed every day.

It really upset Mommy Wendy too. New people on line were starting to call me a sociopath
and a psychopath. Is my cover really blown this time? I really hope Ron and Wendy don't
look up the  checklist. Heaven forbid! My latest Life-raft might start to sink!

Psychopath? moi?

The UK folks who have cottoned onto my SCAM said they was going to INVESTIGATE my claims
and make a POLICE report to HULL Police. And then to Pottsboro Police, the FBI and...ICE.

I usually tell everyone who doesn't like me to just unfollow me but that didn't work either.
I decided to pull my head down below the parapet for a while, lay low.
It's really hard for me to do that, fans, as I am so used to a massive audience, cheering me on.

And now, every time the doorbell rings or the phone, I get paranoid. Will it be ICE, Interpol, local LE, or...? Men in uniform all scare me since I was made a jailbird for 14 months.

Meanwhile Catherine is still being sooo embarrassing. I used to like my Mommy's - all 3-
fighting over me. I liked it a lot. It still makes me feel special-like, but...

Look what she just posted on Twitter:

guess who vs guess who? 

As if that isn't embarrassing enough for my long culivated glowing image - again - Soon I will get the bad news that ICE are finally deporting me.

Mommy and Daddy #3 are getting a little stressed out, like I am. This is why things are tense around here. Why? well, as true Patriots they love their life here in the USA.

However in a show of solidarity with me me me, Double Down Daddy Ron has told the world that when the ICE men cometh,  he and Wendy will go with me - WWG1WGA, just like Q tells us.

What this means is that in the worst case scenario, the McAvenes will uproot themselves
and emigrate, all to remain close to their Precious Pwincess Becki, and we will all live happily ever after, somewhere outside the USA.

Not Hull of course, as the Police will be wanting to question us. NOT. HAPPENING.

We'll go to Canada or South Africa. Australia maybe? Costa Rica!
Every icy cloud will have it's silver lining. I am starting to feel better already.